Introduction to Fachdidaktik Englisch “Beginners” – vor dem Praxissemester
This seminar is intended for students who wish to acquire some basic knowledge to see them through their impending Praxissemester. Students who have completed their Praxissemester should sign up for my ‘advanced course’. The beginners’ course is designed to introduce a number of methods to transfer University knowledge to the language classroom. The seminar will concentrate on the role of the course-book: how is it made? what elements are there? How can we successfully use course-books in class? Some of the topics touched upon will be motivation, communicative competence, literature, vocabulary, grammar, cultural studies, listening comprehension and creative writing. Students will get a chance to practice and evaluate their presentation skills.
Same-Sex Desire in English Literature I (1600-1800) While it used to be almost universally understood that gender questions concern primarily heterosexual relations, incisive work from an ever expanding field of Gay and Lesbian / Queer Studies has reminded us that heterosexual models are in fact part of a much larger structure which consists of a complicated interplay of gender and sexual object choices and their respective prohibitive or enabling discourses. One must assume that constructions of masculinity and femininity, of hetero- and homoerotic desire ‘breathe’ together, and that they ‘breathe’ differently in different historical contexts. This lecture course will concern itself with the homoerotic side of this complicated equation. In its first part (part II in 2007/08), it will provide a brief overview of the current state of the debate and will then investigate various depictions of same-sex desire in literary works by men and women from the 16th to the early 19th century.
The Harry Potter Phenomenon oanne K Rowling’s Harry Potter novels have been an astonishing publishing success with over 300 million copies sold worldwide. Overturning the book and bestseller market, inspiring a follow-up movie series, and subject to intense marketing, they have become a global economic and cultural phenomenon. They have been translated into over 60 languages and have been ascribed such diverse effects as ‘encouraging children to read’, contributing to the ‘cultural infantilisation’ of the adult reader, and ‘promoting satanism’. We will approach the Harry Potter novels in the context of the literary genres they borrow from (children’s literature, the novel of education, fantasy) and in comparison with selected predecessors. We’ll examine their economic and cultural impact (on the book market, bestseller literature, the internet ‘fandom’), the contrast between nostalgic Britishness and global appeal, and their intertextual, social and political implications. And finally, ask ourselves along with the critics: “But is it ‘literature’? Or a ‘phenomenon’? Or both? Or neither?”
Oral Communication II his course will run parallel to Prof. Bauer’s HS/OS Classics as Children’s Literature and Children’s Literature as Classics, and it will be themed around five films related to this topic: Oliver Twist (Roman Polanski, 2005) Tom Jones (Tony Richardson, 1963) Watership Down (Martin Rosen, 1978) Time Bandits (Terry Gilliam, 1981) The Princess Bride (Rob Reiner, 1987) Each film will be looked at twice: Once as a ‘text’ as it relates to the HS; and once as a cinematic work of art in its own right.
Whilst it makes most sense to attend this course if you are also doing this HS, it is open to all students; those interested in cinema should find it most appealing.
Vampires in 19th and 20th Century Fiction
In the early 19th century the folklore figure of the vampire begins to invade English literature and establishes his dominion in the Victorian age. From John Polidori’s “The Vampyre” (publ. 1819) – probably the first extensive vampire narrative in English – to Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), the blood-sucking undead gets associated with a wide range of pressing anxieties in the culture at large. Vampire fiction therefore does not only provide thrilling entertainment; it also points to the unresolved problems that 19th-century progress produces – among others, questions of sexuality and gender; of capital and labour; of evolution and ‘degeneration’; of imperial control and its limits. While Dracula will take centre stage in our seminar, we will also discuss Polidori’s “The Vampyre”; Sheridan Le Fanu’s “Carmilla”, and Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Olalla” as classics of 19th-centruy vampire fiction. Finally, we will re-encounter the vampire at the end of the 20th century in Anne Billson’s novel Suckers (1993) and a selection of British and postcolonial vampire stories. |
Einführung in die Schulpädagogik Die Schulpädagogik als pädagogische Teildisziplin beschäftigt sich mit der Theorie pädagogischen Handelns unter schulischen Voraussetzungen und unter Berücksichtigung der außerschulischen Prämissen, die auf die schulische Arbeit einwirken. Die Vorlesung umfasst zentrale Themenfelder wie die Schule als Institution, die Schulklasse als pädagogisches Handlungsfeld, Unterricht als didaktische Situation oder auch äußere Einflussgrößen auf pädagogisches Handeln.
Modelle der interkulturellen Ethik. Eine Einführung (EPG 1) Das Kompaktseminar soll unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Themas der Interkulturalität eine Einführung in Grundansätze und Grundbegriffe der Ethik bieten. Um dies zu erreichen, werden wir auf der einen Seite untersuchen, welche Modelle sich aus moralphilosophischen Theorien wie der Kantischen Pflichtethik, der Diskursethik, des Utilitarismus und der Tugendethik für den Umgang mit kulturellen Differenzen sowie zur Lösung interkultureller Konflikte ergeben. In der Gegenrichtung kann gefragt werden, inwieweit verschiedene politische Modelle der Interkulturalität Raum für sittliches Verhalten lassen und welche Rolle ethische Grundbegriffe wie Freiheit, Anerkennung, Glück, Vernunft oder die Menschenrechte in jenen spielen. Dabei wird es nicht zuletzt auch um die Frage gehen, ob es eine universelle d.h. kulturübergreifende Ethik gibt. Der Zugang zur Ethik über die Interkulturalität ist insofern anspruchsvoll, als er auch eine Klärung von Begriffen wie Kultur, kulturelle Differenz und Interkulturalität notwendig macht. Zur Belohnung führt er uns aber mitten in einen zentralen Problembereich der Ethik des 21. Jahrhunderts. |